Town of Babylon History Museum at Old Town Hall
April 30, 2024Vienna of Roslyn
April 30, 2024We all want to save money when we’re in the market for a service, but this is one time where you should think twice before going with the cheapest option. The reason? You never know what you’re getting into when it comes to exterminators. Is it really worth risking your health and safety just because someone’s trying to undercut their competition? Not only will an expert be able to tell you exactly what type of pest you have, they’ll also be able to make sure that it’s gone for good-and without any risk whatsoever!
Today, we’re going to be talking about how to go about hiring the right professional for your pest control needs. To start, when you call a pest control company always make sure that they have a current license and insurance policy. This is an absolute must in the industry! Also, don’t forget to check if they offer free inspections of your property first.
When it comes to price, it’s hard to say exactly what you should expect to pay because every job is different and some require more work than others. But what you can do is get prices from several different companies as well as ask for quotes based on all the work that you want done and how extensively you need them to inspect your property. There’s no reason why you should be less informed than the company that you’re hiring!
Finally, when it comes time to pay for all of this, always make sure that there is an itemized invoice with both a detailed description of the job at hand as well as a breakdown of the prices involved. Always ask beforehand if they will accept credit cards or if cash is preferred-that way there won’t be any mistakes!
Now that we’ve gone over what to expect before calling an exterminator, let’s talk about actually doing so.
Why you should never try to take care of your pest control issues on your own
Every person’s home is a unique ecosystem with its own set of problems. Bugs, rodents, and other pests are common and can be incredibly dangerous. Never try to take care of your pest control issues on your own! Here are three reasons why:
First, there are tons of different types of pests so you need to know which one specifically you’re dealing with before taking any action. Second, you could end up hurting yourself or someone else in the process. Third, most importantly-you could be ingesting harmful chemicals that might affect your health! For all these reasons and more, it’s a good idea to call a professional who knows what they’re doing and has the proper tools for the job!
There are a variety of different ways to handle your pest control problems. Unfortunately, some of them can be harmful to both your health and the environment! For example, when you use pesticide sprays around your home it is important that you follow directions carefully and don’t breathe in the chemicals as they are being used. Also, it’s best not to use pesticides when it’s windy out or if there is rain expected soon; both situations will only spread the chemicals further than intended. If you have children or pets at home then keep them away from the area while spraying because most pesticides are dangerous for humans and animals alike! It’s also important to keep an eye on how much time has elapsed before reusing any sprayed equipment afterward—some types of sprays must be left on their surfaces for a while before they can be safely used again.
One way to solve your pest control problems is to use organic alternatives in place of harmful chemicals. A professional exterminator will have access to all sorts of different options based on the particular types of pests you’re dealing with and what sort of home ecosystem you have going. For example, if bedbugs are causing trouble than one thing an exterminator can do is seal off any cracks or crevices that might allow them access to your home. This eliminates the need for toxic sprays that could harm both pets and humans! Or, if wasps are bugging you then a good idea may be to install eaves over any entryways they like as this blocks them from getting inside. Another thing you can do to deter wasp nests is to wrap your entryways with tin foil or burlap bags!
This is why you should never try to take care of your pest control issues on your own. There are tons of different types of pests and they’re all dangerous in their own way, which means knowing exactly what kind of pest is involved before taking action is pretty important!
What an exterminator is and why they’re important
An exterminator is someone who controls the population of pests within a certain area. This can be whole buildings, yards, or neighborhoods. The term “exterminator” encompasses a variety of pest control methods. This includes items like traps, poisons, and chemicals. They are important because pests are often detrimental to the environment and human health if not checked by an exterminator.
Nevertheless, there are many different types of exterminators. To generalize, pest control experts come in two types: commercial or residential. Commercial exterminators deal with big-time businesses and/or whole buildings that need to be cleared out of pests. Residential exterminators deal more with individual houses or divisions of a building designed for human habitation.
So what does an exterminator actually do? Many people think they kill all pests by one specific means (for example, by spraying them with pesticides). But the truth is that they have access to a variety of options depending on the kind of pest and the ecosystem it’s invading!
Many people immediately call an exterminator when they start seeing bugs or rodents around their homes but this can often be a bad idea. For one, a pest can go from being an annoyance to completely ruined homes and spread illnesses if it’s not dealt with properly! And secondly, when people try to take care of this on their own they often use the wrong tools for the job, which can make things even worse!
And finally-exterminators don’t just “kill” pests. They’re more concerned with preventing them from causing problems in the future than whatever germs or viruses they have now. That’s why many exterminator companies offer special maintenance services where they come by every so often to check on your home environment and deal with any infestations as needed.
The different types of pests that can be found in homes
The most common pest found in homes are cockroaches and ants. You’ll also find rodents like rats and mice. And, because we have dry environments in the summer such as air conditioning, you might also see spiders such as black widows and brown recluse spiders.
Sometimes you won’t notice these pests until it’s too late-which can be really dangerous when it comes to cockroaches! Cockroaches might enter your home through a hole in the wall or just by coming from the sewer system up into your home. Other ways they might get inside is through grocery bags with food, bags of waste sitting outside, or even the insulation inside your walls that has been damaged. The main thing is that they’re going to get in somehow. If it’s not one way, they’ll find another-and all you need is a single cockroach for them to multiply and spread very quickly throughout your home!
Cockroaches can be extremely dangerous when it comes to food, because when they smell food, they will eat anything edible that is lying around! They have been known to consume toothbrushes and toothpaste from bathrooms as well as pet food (because of the smell). However, their most common target is human food. You might notice these pests late at night crawling across your kitchen floor or even scurrying across your countertop. And if there are any odors left over from dinner being cooked, they will be attracted to it!
They can also leave behind bacteria from their feces and saliva when they crawl around on your surfaces. These organisms are called cockroach allergens and can make people sick by causing an allergic reaction or even asthma. The most dangerous thing about cockroaches is that you might not know they’re there until it’s too late! They have been known to enter hospitals through the air conditioning or heating vents and infect patients with life threatening illnesses like typhoid fever, dysentery and cholera!
Ants are another common problem in homes. They also cause disease and allergies but not as often as cockroaches can. There are many different species of ants, including fire ants, carpenter ants, pavement ants and pharaoh ants. You’ll find them entering your home from cracks or holes in the wall that lead outside to their nests; through plumbing into bathrooms or kitchens; by using pet doors; food being left out on counters that wasn’t properly cleaned up after dinner; and sometimes even through the sewers!
Carpenter Ants
These pests are big enough to be seen with a simple glance around your wood floorboards. This is because they burrow into trees’ trunks near sidewalks or driveways-and then come into your attic through cracks on the wall in order to get to their food source. They can weaken your walls and wood floors by working around night when you’re asleep. This might cause some of the wood or even plaster to come down within your home. Carpenter ants also love dampness, so if they’re not able to find enough moisture in your walls, they will chew up the insides of water pipes-causing them to burst-and then go into that newly created space!
As awful as all this sounds, one thing is for sure: If you see a carpenter ant infestation during the day, it’s already too late because there are probably hundreds of these pests inside your house by now! It’s best to call an exterminator even if you think that you found a single one!
Pavement Ants
One of the worst things about these ants is that they can bite, which isn’t so bad-but only if they’re not an aggressive species. If you do get bit by pavement ants, it’s going to be extremely painful and might leave behind a red mark or irritation on your skin. They love to live in damp areas such as under mulch around trees or anywhere else near a water source; along sidewalks or curbs; and sometimes even inside fire hydrants. These pests chew through wood structures and are attracted to moisture around your sinks or bathtubs. While there aren’t too many diseases caused from pavement ant bites, there is still a chance you could get some sort of infection if it’s not treated.
Pharaoh Ants
As one of the largest ants in the world, a pharaoh ant infestation is dangerous because they are known to spread 50 diseases, including typhoid fever and dysentery! These pests love damp places around your home such as bathrooms or kitchens (where food might be located). You’ll find them entering through electrical outlets; ceilings; door frames; window frames; cracks in walls or wood floors anywhere inside your home. They especially love electric light fixtures inside closets-because the heat attracts them. Since these ants can make their own colonies underground outside-their nests are never predictable! What makes them so hard to deal with is that you cannot see where they are entering your home! They are also extremely hard to get rid of because they have a short life cycle which means they breed and hatch quickly. To make matters worse, the queen ant can live for several years!
Whether they’re poisonous or not, spiders are another common household pest that can spread disease. In fact, some types of spider bites can cause an infection if they bite you in the wrong spot! Black Widow Spiders are found almost anywhere in the world-even inside warm areas like your bathrooms. They love hiding under furniture and will bite when provoked. One reason to call a professional is because it’s nearly impossible to know what type of spider bite you have just by looking at it-let alone whether it is toxic or not!
Camelback Spiders
The camel back spider isn’t necessarily dangerous but if you do get bitten, there might be more discomfort than with other species. Still, all bites should be taken seriously since an infection can certainly develop if you don’t treat them. What makes the camel spider unique is that it’s a strong jumper, which explains how it traveled all the way from Africa to Europe! It has eight eyes and can be up to 5 inches long-with its body alone! One reason not to let these spiders live near your home is because they eat other spiders, such as black widows. If you do notice one of these creatures in your home or out on trees, shrubs or bushes around your property-it might be best to call an exterminator just so you know there are no more lurking nearby!
Two-Spotted Spider Mites
These tiny spiders are found throughout the world and are a magnet for all other pests. This is because they love to live on plants and trees nearby. Their food source is insects! They’re also extremely small so it’s hard to see them with your eyes, but if you use a magnifying glass-you can probably find some in your home! One reason to call an exterminator if you spot these mites on your plantlife or trees outside of your house is that they eat away at their host plant leaving it unfit for life. If you do discover one of these spider mites inside of your residence, don’t panic since they cannot reproduce indoors; however, they will start eating everything if left unchecked.
If bees are living near your home, it’s best to call a professional right away. Not only do these creatures sting-but the stings can cause serious infection or death if they bite you! If you have children in the house and you see that there are bees hanging around outside-you should take action immediately because it’s never safe for them to be stung! Since there is a chance that you could be allergic to bee stings-it might cost more money if the exterminator has to come out multiple times. Also most likely, more damage will occur inside your home since a bee infestation will not go unnoticed for long before they become active during daylight hours.
If you have a bee swarm in your home and you want to get rid of them yourself-you should be aware that it’s best not to spray the area. Instead, if you are stung-take some antihistamines right away.
These flying insects are known for their painful sting and they can be scary if you see one by itself in your house! If there is just one, it may have chased a spider into your home-because they love to eat spiders. They do not make nests as often as other pest species which means that it’s fairly easy to get rid of them from your home once you’ve discovered them. All wasps near your property should be removed immediately because the females will hunt for food up to 100 yards away from their nest! By doing this, they become very aggressive which is why it’s best not to approach them too closely!
Bald-Faced Hornets
Hornets are known for eating other pests around your property; however, they’ll also eat meat, fish and fruit. If these creatures make themselves a home in your home-they’re most likely living in the walls or attic. These insects will build their nest on top of each other, which causes the pile to be very large! The fact that you can hear them buzzing when you walk outside means that there must be at least 100 of these hornets living together-hiding from you inside your house! It’s best not to get a wasp spray since the stinging chemical could seep into your wallpaper and cause damage.
Hornets cannot sting through your walls, so if it’s in the attic-or living inside a wall close to where you are-it doesn’t matter how much they bang around since they can’t reach you! If you decide not to call an exterminator, try using a vacuum cleaner on low suction to suck them into their death.
Bird Mites
These tiny little creatures are a lot easier to get rid of than any other species on this list. The best part is they are not known for having painful bites-but their presence can cause severe damage if you let them stick around too long! If you see bird mites in your home, they have probably come from the birds themselves. They hide in the bushes outside and wait for an opening when it seems safe enough to enter your house. If you do decide to remove these pests yourself it’s important that you wear gloves and take all items near where you found them out of your home so that they won’t come back into contact with the birds.
One of the first signs that you may have rodents in your home is gnaw marks on your food containers. These critters are known to chew through everything from wood, metal and plastic! If you notice a few marks around your house-it’s best to be safe than sorry and call an exterminator right away. They will take care of the problem as soon as possible and seal up any entryways so no more rodents can get inside your home.
To prevent rodents, remember to keep your home as clean as possible. This includes keeping clutter out of the house and sealing any cracks or holes in your walls. Set traps around the outside of your home and call an exterminator if you still notice them inside!
You could also try different ways of getting rid of rats yourself, such as using traps or even poison (which should never be ingested by humans or animals). If you decide to remove these pests yourself it’s important that you wear gloves when handling them-since they have been known to carry diseases. This is why it’s also a good idea to keep all food products stored in metal containers that are waterproof and hard to chew through!
When mice are running around your home it can be incredibly stressful especially if there are young children living there as well. Not only do these critters live in your walls, but they also inhabit different parts of your house like the attic or basement! If you notice any droppings or urine stains on household items-you should call an exterminator as soon as possible because they may already be taking up residence in your space. They usually chew through walls and then set up nests inside them which leaves small holes that cannot easily be detected by naked eyes. These tiny holes will eventually turn into bigger ones which is why it’s so important to get rid of them as soon as possible!
To keep these critters from returning, remember that every time you go out on vacation-you should have someone come in and check your home. You may also consider moving the items in your garage closer to your house or even putting all of them inside if there are no windows close by. This will help prevent mice from entering through the vents and living somewhere else altogether!
When termites start to infest your home it is not only a destructive process-but also a dangerous one. These pests can cause serious health problems if you ingest their excrement or saliva! If you notice that there are some signs of termite damage or droppings-you should immediately call an exterminator because they have the proper tools and training to deal with this type of situation in an efficient manner. They will come out to your house as soon as possible, remove any nests, patch up the affected areas and then spray special chemicals inside your walls so no more termites can get inside!
If you notice any signs that the termites are coming into contact with your furniture, they could be damaging it and this will only get worse! As soon as you spot a few marks on wood-you should take it outside immediately so you can inspect it for termite trails.
If there is severe damage to the wood of your home or furniture-you may have a problem that requires more than one treatment from an exterminator. This is why it’s best not to ignore these pests because if they aren’t taken care of right away they will cause even more damage in no time at all!
If you want to remove termites yourself there are a few things you should be aware of. First, wear safety goggles and gloves when dealing with these creatures since they will bite if you come too close! Second, seal all food products tightly inside metal containers to prevent being attacked by their saliva or feces! Third, remember that most termites can’t survive in temperatures below 55 degrees Fahrenheit so it’s best not to leave the house during the winter months if it gets too cold outside!
Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are another type of pest that you might have to deal with if you live in an apartment building. These creepy crawlies come out at night and feed on human blood! The first signs that these pests have entered your home are bites that appear on different parts of your body (usually around the ankles or legs).
To prevent bed bugs from coming into contact with your furniture, sheets, etc it’s a good idea to keep everything tightly tucked in at night. As soon as you get into bed-make sure that you are completely covered by your blanket and inspect the mattress for any holes or tears before getting inside! If there are any signs of new bites after sleeping-you need to take action immediately! You should wash all clothing, sheets and blankets right away in hot water (which is known to kill the critters), vacuum up any loose bed bug particles and call an exterminator to come spray your walls with insecticide!
If you are dealing with bed bugs on your own it is incredibly important that you don’t spread the infestation around by throwing out everything in your home! If any of these pests are seen outside of your bedroom, take a few cups full of fabric softener and pour it into the affected areas. This should help to kill off the rest of the colony and leave less trouble for you later on! Be sure to run this method at least three times so that no other bugs get an opportunity to live there again.
You can also place a couple drops of peppermint oil and mineral oil right over each hole or tear in order to prevent them from entering again! A bed bug exterminator will be able to help you out more than a pest control company because they have the proper chemicals and tools for the job.
Once they’ve been contained, there are several ways for removing bed bugs including freezing, vacuuming and insecticides. You will need to spray the crevices of your bed, box spring and mattress with special chemicals in order to kill them off.
There are a few different ways of telling if you have mosquitoes in your home. The most common way is to check inside and outside doors to see if they are entering or exiting a building (especially during the summer season).
It’s also important to be wary of pools, standing water, old tires and other such places because these insects love habitats that contain stagnant water! Be sure to inspect all drains around your property for any gaps or holes on a regular basis as this can attract them. If you notice any swarms gathering in groups-or an increase in biting activity it’s time to call an exterminator right away! They will know how to get rid of the problem by getting rid of their source; which is usually standing water!
Exterminators can spray the inside of your house using special chemicals that will leave a thin layer of poison around every surface. This way, if any more mosquitoes come in they will not be able to survive for very long.
The second-best way could involve purchasing mosquito traps from hardware stores or online. Although these are less effective and might cost a lot more money, they will provide some degree of relief from the problems associated with this common species. Be sure to check what kind of bait is used because you definitely don’t want other bugs living near you while you’re trying to sleep at night! One good thing about this method is that you can place them throughout your home and they will work pretty quickly!
As you might imagine, ticks are most commonly found in wooded areas or areas that have lots of grass. They also like to live near the water and inside long grass. In order to prevent ticks from entering your home, it’s best if you create a barrier around your property (especially if there is a risk of Lyme disease). It can be as simple as cutting down all shrubbery or simply keeping your bushes short and trimmed!
One thing that you will need to do before doing anything else is buy tick spray for humans and dog repellent . After this, make sure that you keep those precautions mentioned above up to date at all times. Ticks are diggers so they don’t necessarily need an entryway in order to find their way in. They can tunnel right up through your yard if given the chance!
When you go out into the yard, be sure to walk in wide circles so that their paths aren’t leading directly anywhere-including your house. If you can avoid walking through tall grass at all costs!
Fleas are very small so they are hard to see with the naked eye. In order to get rid of fleas, you’ll need to use chemicals designed specifically for this type of pest control . You will also find that certain household remedies work better than others; however, leaving pepper around your home is not going to solve any problems at all.
One of the best things to do is check your dog or cat before allowing them inside-especially if you have a newborn baby in the home. You should also routinely treat all pets and belongings with flea spray so they don’t pick up fleas at the source! This will be much better for you because it will prevent bites from occurring.
You might want to consider getting a bird feeder and keeping it outdoors because birds are attracted to many of the same things that humans are! In this way, they can be vectors for pests such as mice and even ants! If you have any bird feeders in your home or front yard it’s important that you clean them regularly so that any food is thrown out. If you feed the birds outdoors, make sure that there aren’t any crumbs around! If you have trees in your yard, be sure that no seed is dropping down onto your property. Be sure to cut all plants and grass regularly to eliminate any hiding spots for pests.
One of the most common problems when it comes to birds are actually their nests because they can contain a lot of insects such as mites. If you’re comfortable with it, you can check them out yourself! However if you do not feel like handling this situation on your own, it’s worth searching for an exterminator who specializes in bird control.
Since animals are living outside, they will need to find a place to sleep. Unfortunately for you, this could be your home! In order to prevent wildlife from taking up residence in or around your property, it’s important that you make sure that all of the holes are patched and closed off. If possible, place some sort of barrier on top of your decking so small creatures can’t get in at night when you’re sleeping.
If any raccoons come into your yard late at night (which is very common), try making as much noise as possible so that you scare them away! If they continue to come back-it might be time to call an exterminator to help with pest control issues. If they are in your attic, you should know that you can do a lot to scare them off yourself. Just remember to wear gloves so that you don’t get bit.
If a squirrel is found on your property, chances are good that there are more of them nearby! To determine which tree they live in, simply place some food close to the base. If it disappears overnight-there’s a very good chance that a squirrel or two has taken up residence in the branches. You do not necessarily need to kill the squirrels (although this may be necessary if they won’t leave), but make sure that their path doesn’t lead directly towards your home!
In order to keep your home free of wildlife, you should consider placing a few motion-activated repellents around the property. You will also find that they are very easy to use and can be placed on any surface; it’s important that you read all the instructions carefully before setting them up!
Fruit Flies
If you have fruit flies, it’s important that you first determine where they are coming from. The first place to look is the sink and bathroom because they can be found in every room of your home! If possible, you should wash all fruits before placing them on your kitchen counter-this will help prevent fruit flies from setting up shop in your home. It’s also a good idea to keep any produce covered when not being used; if possible move these items into a separate building so that there isn’t any confusion about which things can be eaten and which cannot.
A good exterminator will be able to show you how to identify mold and mildew because this is another common place for fruit flies to set up shop. Make sure that as soon as you see any mold, you cut off the area around it with a knife and throw it out! This might gross you out at first, but your home will thank you later!
If possible try placing a bowl of vinegar near these areas because this will attract the pests away from your home. After doing all of this work yourself-it’s worth considering calling an exterminator who can help rid your home completely of these pesky insects!
If you are hearing cricket sounds at night, it’s best to look on the ground and in your yard for their nests. Most of these insects will leave the nest to find a mate once they reach adulthood; as a result, many of them prefer traveling towards lights because this helps them see better! Once you have found the nest (which should be located near any trees or bushes), simply pour boiling hot water into it to kill all of the baby crickets inside.
Keep your house clean so that there aren’t any food scraps or wet clothes around which might attract the crickets in the first place. You also want to make sure that all drains are open so that no water collects during heavy rains. This can cause problems because it’s easy for the crickets to find a way into your home!
Cave Crickets
Cave crickets often come into your home through the smallest cracks. Once they have found a way in, they will make their way to the ground level of your house (this is why many of them are found in basements.) If you’re not sure whether or not it’s night time-take a look outside and try to determine which direction the sun is currently rising.
Check under any chairs for crickets because this is where many of them take residence! You should also check on top of cupboards as there could be cricket activity here as well.
Beetles are like crickets in the sense that they prefer to live in small cracks and holes. This is why many of them will be found behind pictures or any other large items which have been placed on top of your walls. It’s best not to get these insects wet because this can often cause their eggs to hatch!
Beetle eggs look a bit like coffee grounds and if you find something like this, make sure that you remove it immediately! Make sure that all of your air vents are closed so that no beetles can creep inside-and never put away clothing without checking for tiny egg sacs before doing so! If possible spray insecticide outside around the perimeter of your property since this will help keep more bugs from coming onto your property.
Moths and Butterflies
If you are hearing fluttering or rustling sounds, check underneath the furniture and in any corners. You should also make sure that all of your screens are intact so that moths cannot get inside through them! If you’re not sure which type of insect is causing the noise-use a black light to illuminate these areas. Moths and butterflies will be attracted to this device because it’s easier for them to see under low lighting conditions. Once they have spotted the light, use a fly swatter (or vacuum) to capture as many of them as possible.
How to find a reputable exterminator
One great way to find a reputable exterminator is by asking friends or family for recommendations. You might also be able to find information about their customer service and reputation online.
While it’s true that everyone has a few bad apples in their bunch, good exterminators will usually have a number of positive reviews from satisfied customers. It’s worth investigating any complaints you might come across as well to see if they’re valid; these certainly won’t be representative of every customer and could be easily explained away (for example: “This guy was just angry because his money wasn’t returned immediately”).
No matter who you choose, it’s important to do research on the services your selected company offers before calling them in. If possible, ask for a list of all chemicals they’ll use ahead of time so that you can check with your local government to see if there are any regulations on their use. If there are no regulations, you might consider asking them to use less toxic chemicals instead.
If they refuse and tell you that the chemicals are safe, make sure to ask for a full written report including everything they used and why along with copies of all their licenses (see below). Most reputable companies will have no problem doing this since they’re not hiding anything from you and they want your continued business. If the company says that they only offer online services or don’t let customers come by to see what’s going on, you might want to reconsider using their services at all.
Exterminator Licensing Requirements
Every state is different when it comes to licensing requirements for exterminators, so there’s no one set list of things that every company needs. However, you can expect a licensed professional to have at least one license. This could be anything from a general contractor’s license (if they perform other services like painting in addition to pest control) to an EPA certification if they use certain types of chemicals or pesticides. If the company tells you that they don’t need a license because their work is not regulated by the local government, this should raise a red flag and warrant further investigation on your part. Do some research online or call your local offices; most likely the job will require specialized knowledge and training which mandates formal certification and registration. Always get proof of this certification before giving a company your business.
If in doubt, talk to someone at the health department about what you want done and be sure to ask them if there are any requirements for pesticide use or licensing. You’ll probably have the most luck with government agencies since they’re usually more open than private companies about telling you exactly who is legally allowed to perform certain work on your property. Local offices will also usually have up-to-date information on complaints that have been filed against local businesses, so it’s well worth asking them if you can’t find any information online yourself.
Always request a license number from the exterminator before starting their work; this will make it easier for you to check up on them in the future. They should be able to provide you with this information without any problems.
When it’s time to call an exterminator
Below are some signs that might indicate a problem at your home:
– Biting or stinging insects of any type, especially those that seem to always be in the same place.
– Hearing scratching sounds coming from inside your walls for hours on end.
– Small rodents like mice or rats walking about and making themselves known.
– An increase in ants outside and/or inside your house.
– Spiders crawling over everything you own.
– Regularly finding dead animals around your property (or worse). – Regularly seeing live animals dead around your property (or worse).
– Seeing a stray cat or dog inside your house (a real cause for alarm!).
– Your plants are dying all around your yard.
– You smell a terrible odor coming from inside/around your house.
– Your screens are torn and your doors/windows have gaps in them.
– You see a lot of insects flying around inside your house near windows or venting.
– A random fly keeps buzzing around you every time you go outside.
– Large gaps in your walls/furniture that seem out of place.
– You keep seeing the same few bugs over and over again (they like to hang out with their friends!).
– You have large webs in your basement/attic made by spiders.
– You can’t stop finding dead insects everywhere you look: under furniture, in drawers, etc.
– You see a lot of flies buzzing around inside your house but there is nowhere for them to land or lay eggs (flush all sources of food).
If you’re experiencing any of these problems, it’s time to call an exterminator! A professional will be able to tell you exactly what kind of creature or pests you’re dealing with and what the best solution for getting rid of them is. When it comes to pests and home improvement issues like this, don’t trust anyone who thinks they can deal with it on their own. Whether it’s an
These are just some of the signs that you might have a problem, but there could be others depending on what type of pest(s) you’re dealing with. In fact, even if you can’t see any pests or their damage but still experience symptoms like headaches and nausea, it’s worth calling an expert to investigate further since these could be related to a rodent infestation or other similar problems beyond insects. It’s always better to be safe than sorry!
You might be surprised by the number of pests a single house can have; even if you live in an area where they’re rare, it’s practically impossible to know what kind of wildlife might be living nearby! Depending on how bad your problem is, you may need to call several companies just to make sure that no one misses anything important. You should also ask for some references (other customers who’ve used their services before) so you can check up on them and find out if people are happy with the way something was handled. In any case, it’s best to go into this situation with as much information as possible since it will help ensure that no mistakes
Types of treatment an exterminator will do at your house
There are some treatments that exterminators use. They will reach for hot water to kill bugs and bacteria on surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom. They also have products for killing pests on a structural level. Your exterminator may also recommend calling in a professional carpet cleaner to clean up your carpets. There are many chemical treatments available as well, such as foggers or topical treatments you can put on your property to reduce the number of insects that come into your house.
Your exterminator will apply preventive measures at your house as well, such as putting down insecticides where there’s evidence of ant activity. For example, if you see ants in one area of your home, they could be getting inside through cracks in the foundation or from cracks in the wall. Your exterminator will spray insecticide around these cracks to deter ants from coming inside your house. It’s important to catch ants before they enter the house, because once they’re inside it can be difficult to eliminate them. It may take multiple treatments on a regular basis and even preventative measures to keep them out of your house entirely.
One type of pest control treatment exterminators use is called baiting. Baits are a great way to remove rodents from your property because they’re usually more attracted to the bait than other foods. A rodent who takes the bait can’t eat it, or dispose of it quickly enough and will ultimately die within its own home. This method is best for mice and rats, because it’s hard to catch them in traps. When you catch an animal in a trap, he may bite off his own limb in an effort to escape (this is called self-mutilation). Even if he doesn’t mutilate himself while escaping the trap, releasing him back into the wild probably won’t do much good in terms of removing or reducing that particular pest population .
Another treatment exterminators use is the heat method. This is often used to get rid of bed bugs or termites, because they’re not a very mobile species and can’t escape the heat source. Heat treatment involves bringing in large heaters into your home that reach temperatures as high as 120 degrees Fahrenheit, killing off the pests within 24 hours. The extermination professional will usually remove all furniture from areas where there’s infestations before using the heat method, so be prepared to take everything out of your bedroom when you call an exterminator for this type of service!
An exterminator may recommend declawing if you have pet cats in your house. When cats scratch, they leave behind deposits that attract fleas and insects that could also affect humans. Declawing (removing part of the nail) doesn’t hurt the cat, and if you take your cat to the vet regularly for checkups, he or she can make sure that all the nails are growing correctly. The only side effect of declawing is that cats may not be able to balance as well on carpeted surfaces after they’re declawed.
Another treatment method involves electromagnetic and ultrasonic devices. These devices emit high frequencies that effectively chase away rodents without harming them. They’re the best option for people who want to solve their pest problem but don’t want to kill or hurt the animals living on their property. If you use this method, be prepared to buy a new device every year because it requires replacing due to wear and tear from frequent use.
Pesticides are a popular form of pest control. These chemicals are designed to kill any pests that come across them, and are usually sprayed around the perimeter of a house where there’s evidence of infestations. Rodents, for example, typically don’t go far from their food source, so they run right into the pesticides when they try to get more food. This is also why it’s important not to leave trash or food out overnight – the smell will attract pests such as rats and raccoons!
To protect your family from pesticides you should always wash hands after applying these chemicals . People who work in agriculture or commercial pesticide removal have special protective clothing and equipment that shields them from absorbing potentially harmful doses; but this isn’t feasible for household use because most pesticides are designed to kill insects and rodents, not humans.
Green pest control treatments are a method of killing pests that uses natural items from your yard or vegetables in the kitchen. One common way to do this is by sprinkling cayenne pepper or liquid soap on the areas where pests often gather. Cayenne pepper irritates mammals’ skin and eyes, so it’s effective at deterring small animals like mice and rats. Liquid soap is more gentle, but has an odor that many pests find disagreeable and will avoid altogether .
Insect growth regulators are products you can buy over-the-counter to control termite and ant infestations without harming other living things. These chemicals prevent larvae from reaching maturity because they affect the insects’ hormones, preventing them from developing into reproducing adults. The first step in using these products is to evaluate the termite damage in your home, and then apply the chemicals as directed on the product label.
If you want to go all-natural in controlling pests on your property, try using orange oil instead of pesticides . Orange oil has a strong odor that insects find sickening and unpleasant; it’s also non-toxic for people and pets. It’s important to remember to reapply orange oil once or twice a week depending on how bad your infestation is. You should also do this during the fall season because ants reproduce more frequently during the winter!
Rodent control methods incorporate poisons or traps fashioned out of wooden boxes. Rats can chew through most materials so make sure that you use thick wood when crafting your own mouse trap or other rodent control device. The best way to bait the traps is with peanut butter, since rats love it and get stuck very easily when they try to take the treat back to their nest. It’s also a good idea to place items you don’t want chewed on in areas outside of where you’ve placed the trap-the scent alone may be enough to deter rodents from an area!
Another method for dealing with mice and ants without using pesticides is called black salve . Black salve consists mostly of sulfur , so it’s non-toxic but can still purge out nests if used correctly. To apply this product, simply mix up some black salve powder in hot water-don’t let the temperature exceed 170 degrees Fahrenheit or you’ll risk harming your skin! You can either spray the solution directly onto nests, or paint it on using a brush. It should be applied until there’s no longer any liquid in the container. Remember: this product is designed to burn away organic matter, so don’t use it anywhere that might expose people and pets to harmful chemicals!
This may sound strange, but cinnamon oil spray is an effective way to kill ants without using toxic substances. Mix some cinnamon oil with water until it forms a thin, syrupy solution, then spray it onto ant nests. Cinnamon oil is derived from plants, so it’s not harmful to animals or humans. However, because cinnamon oil will dry out quickly you should thoroughly re-apply the mixture at least once a week!
Keep the pests out!
A lot of people don’t even know that pests can get into your home and cause damage to your food, clothes, furniture-just about anything. You might think that because they live outside of the home in nature there’s nothing to worry about, but that’s not always the case. Pests like termites travel through soil and wood towards buildings, they can easily enter homes this way.
When it comes to pest control inside your home, there are a few things you should do to keep them out as much as possible:
*Seal cracks and crevices with caulking: This is important because many pests like to enter through small spaces around windows or doors. For example, if you have a gap between the doorway and the floor, this is an opening for pests to get inside.
*Make sure you aren’t leaving food outside: You can attract unwanted pests if you leave food sitting out in your yard or outside on the patio. Even when you’re done with something like a party, it’s important to dispose of plates and trash immediately so that other pests don’t start to flock towards what they think is easy food!
*Clean up pet waste promptly: If your dog or cat makes a mess outside, be sure to clean it up as soon as possible. It’s another smell that will certainly attract unwanted guests into your home! Leaving feces sitting around also increases the chance of flies reproducing which can lead them into your house too-and nobody wants that!
*Make sure you seal up your home: You want to do this a few different ways. First, check all the doors and windows for cracks or holes so that you can repair them immediately. Also make sure you have sufficient weather stripping around the doors and windows so there aren’t any gaps for pests to get into. Finally, it’s a good idea to install screens on the windows to keep bugs out when they’re not open. *Don’t leave out trash containers: Again, by leaving these items outside where pests are more likely to find them, you’ll be making things easier for them in the long run. It might also cause an odor problem if something starts decomposing! So always make sure your trash is inside a closed can.
*Add pests to your home’s perimeter: You can try to deter pests from coming near your house by placing barriers like pine cones or boards infused with cayenne pepper around the outside. These things are known to keep certain pests out, so it’s worth a shot! Unfortunately they might attract other animals who won’t be pleased with them, so you should make sure that the areas where you place these items are in locations that aren’t important!
It is important to note that not all pests are the same. Some will be attracted to your house because of food, some for warmth or shelter. Be sure you know what type of pest problem you have before taking any action-because if it’s wrong, then a simple DIY solution could turn into a much more costly and dangerous situation! If you want help dealing with these issues in an efficient way without harming yourself or others, give Majestic Pest Control a call today at 516-783-7116 and we’ll make sure everything is taken care of quickly and professionally. It saves time too! Remember: the first step in fighting pests is prevention so take precautions early on to keep them out as much as possible and protect your home.